Tropical X Northern Parula (Setophaga pitiayumi X S. americana)
Some Louisiana specimens and records of Tropical Parula show anomalous markings (e.g. white feathers on the face). Early editions of the Sibley guide suggested
that such markings were within the range of variation for Tropical Parula; this source was cited by some observers in support of their Tropical Parula submissions. However, other evidence
suggested hybrid origin. For instance, the mtDNA of Louisiana's first Tropical Parula specimen was found to be the mtDNA of Northern Parula; such genetic evidence was consistent
with the research of Tony Galluci, who proposed a broad area of
hybrization between these two species where their breeding ranges meet. Sibley has revised his position as new evidence emerged and provides a
good overview on the topic. The LBRC now reviews presumed hybrid parulas and will re-review previous records
that were not accepted as pure Tropical Parula.

Number of LBRC-accepted Tropical X Northern Parula records for Louisiana = 2 as of July 2019
Accepted Records
One male (2017-004) on 22 January-5 March 2017, Lafayette: Lafayette, Austin Village South subdivision;
Patricia Rosel and Scott France (ph; also see:

Photo by Patricia Rosel and Scott France
One immature male (2019-009) on 13 January 2019, Vermilion: Veazey Road X Freshwater City Road;
Phillip A. Wallace (ph), Paul E. Conover (LSUMZ), and Donna L. Dittmann (DLD 11560).

Photo by Phillip A. Wallace