English and Scientific names:

Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis)

Number of individuals: 

1 adult


Cameron Parish

Specific Locality:

Peveto Beach Woods Sanctuary; I found the bird in a small tree between the Port-o-Potty and the picnic table (under the live oak near the water mister).

Date(s) when observed:

May 31, 2010

Time(s) of day when observed:  

I found the bird at 5:25 PM.

Reporting observer and address:

Jeffrey W. Harris

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):


Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)

Dave Patton; Gary Broussard and others identified a YG Vireo in Peveto Woods at 2-3 days before this sighting.

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

The sun was bright but descending to sun-down, which created a lost of contrast and shadows.

Optical equipment: 

Alpen, Tetons, 10 x 50

Distance to bird(s): 

initially 50 feet; eased to within 30 feet 

Duration of observation:

Approximately 10-15 seconds.



Behavior of bird: 

I quickly did the mental run-down of features. Then I proceeded to videotape the bird and lost sight of it when trying to focus camera. Motion of a bird flying into a small tree ahead of me on a trail caught my eye.  This small tree was on the north-central edge of the sanctuary (which is a wooded lot with some open canopy of large trees and smaller shrubs).The bird landed on an exposed tree limb and began grooming itself.  It looked wet, as if it had just bathed in a nearby watering hole (but I did not see how it got wet).  It methodically preened both wings and the tail.


Initially the bird sat with its back toward me, and I noticed a dark olive tone to the back plumage.  The tail was raised during grooming to show bright yellow under-tail coverts.  The bird then flared the feathers on its sides and turned slightly towards me, and I saw the same yellow-green color along the sides of the bird.  The bird finally turned profile to me and I saw a "big-headed" red-eyed vireo profile -- the head looking big because of the large bill.  The eye was reddish brown, and the bird had a white eye brow.  I forgot to notice if there was a heavy black line because I was concentrating on the color of the bird's torso.  The yellow on the sides extended to the birds "shoulders" but the throat was not visible to me.  The most striking feature to me was the contrast of white and yellow between the belly and the sides of the bird.


No voice.

Similar species:

I observed 1 other vireo on the same date, and that species was a Red-eyed Vireo.  This second bird was very dull, hardly a hint of yellow in it.  So, it was easy to separate the two birds.  However, I do know (and have seen in the past), Red-eyed Vireos that can appear much yellower than most.  The Yellow-Green Vireo here was different -- the clean demarcation between the white on the center of the belly and the yellow along the sides (from tail to shoulders) was very striking and different from any vireo I had seen before this bird.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

The bird was lost before I could videotape.  Tom Finnie and his son-in-law joined me in hunting the bird, but we could never relocate it. 

Previous experience with this species: 

I have never seen a Yellow-Green Vireo before this encounter.  I have seen hundreds of Red-eyed Vireos.

Identification aids:

This is my second consecutive report without any hard evidence (the previous was a Great Kiskadee), and this almost caused me to not submit a record (I believe in getting the evidence).  However, I did take notes within 15 minutes of seeing the bird.  My notes were mostly a bulleted list of the key features that I saw.  I did not make a drawing.  So, if nothing else, my report could provide more information on the last observed date for an already well-documented bird (assuming it was the same bird). Before going to Peveto, I had studied the photographs of those who had found the bird (e.g. Dave Patton).  I also looked at Tom Finnie's photos of a similar bird taken last year. This was actually my third weekend to visit Peveto to try finding this species.  Only on one previous occasion did I see vireos, and all of those (5-6 birds) were Red-eyed.  

This description is written from: 

After the trip, I consulted Sibley, Peterson and the Kaufman guides.  The bird shown in my Kaufman is remarkably similar to what I had seen in the field. Notes were in the field (within 10-15 minutes of seeing the bird).

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 



Date and time: 

June 1, 2010