English and Scientific names:

Yellow Green Vireo

Number of individuals: 

One present

Locality: LOUISIANA: 

Cameron Parish

Specific Locality:

Peveto Woods Bird Sanctuary

Date(s) when observed:

May 16, 2009@6:00 PM; May 17, 2009 @ 7:30 AM

Time(s) of day when observed:  

5/16/09@6:00 PM; 5/17/09@7:30 AM

Reporting observer and address:

Tom Finnie

Sulphur, LA

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

On 5/16/2009 PM, Gary Broussard pointed out the YGV in a live oak tree to me and my son-in-law, Thomas Maddox. David Muth and Phillip Wallace had also seen the YGV. On 5/17/2009@7:30 AM, Matt Pontiff and I were together, saw the YGV and both took its photograph.

Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)

Gary Broussard, David Muth, Phillip Wallace, Thomas Maddox

Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

Light conditions on 5/16/2009 @ 7:00 PM okay. On 5/17/2009 the skies were overcast.

Optical equipment: 

Nikon D300, 400mm lens

Distance to bird(s): 

35 yards

Duration of observation:

For a total of about 10 minutes for a few sightings.


Live oak tree in east Peveto Woods

Behavior of bird: 

The YGV flew to a tree close to Matt Pontiff and me. We quickly took its image before it flew off. It returned shortly and we took some more images.


See attached picture.


Not vocal at the time.

Similar species:

Species was determined by Matt Pontiff who was present and the attached  picture.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

Photographed by me and Matt Pontiff.

Previous experience with this species: 


Identification aids:

Peterson’s Guide

This description is written from: 

A picture was used in lieu of notes.

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 


Yes, see attached picture.


Thomas Finnie 

Date and time: 


 9:00 PM