1. English and Scientific names: Willow Flycatcher Empidomax traillii

2. Number of individuals, sexes, ages, general plumage (e.g., 2 in alternate plumage):

1 individual

3. Locality: Parish:   ____Red River_____________________________

   Specific Locality: ___Red River NWR - Yates Tract, Bayou Pierre Unit________

4. Date(s) when observed: May 25, 2013


5. Time(s) of day when observed:  10:10 - 10:30am


6. Reporting observer and address: John Dillon, Athens, LA 71003


7. Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Brooke Wadlington

8. Other observers who independently identified the bird(s): Terry Davis


9. Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light): sunny.  Bird in grove of small trees so difficult to see. 


10. Optical equipment (type, power, condition): Alpen 8x42 bins; good condition.


11. Distance to bird(s):  15-20 ft.


12. Duration of observation:  20 minutes.


13. Habitat:  young reforested patch of oaks near foot of levee; tall weeds and grasses throughout. 


14. Behavior of bird / circumstances of observation (flying, feeding, resting; include and stress habits used in identification; relate events surrounding observation): presumed nesting area; bird flew from tree to tree staying low and within a very small circle. 


15. Description (include only what was actually seen, not what "should" have been seen; include if possible: total length/relative size compared to other familiar species, body bulk, shape, proportions, bill, eye, leg, and plumage characteristics. Stress features that separate it from similar species): Never got a good look at the bird, just enough to see that it was an empidomax flycatcher.  Saw tail wagging and overall dark upper parts. 


16. Voice: Got 2 recordings of bird.  buzzy up-slurred first note immediately followed by buzzy down-slurred note. 


17. Similar species (include how they were eliminated by your observation): Alder Flycatcher - call is different. 


18. Photographs or tape recordings obtained? (by whom? attached?): 2 recordings of call. 


19. Previous experience with this species: Seen/heard in Colorado is summer. 


20. Identification aids: (list books, illustrations, other birders, etc. used in identification): had Sibley iPhone app; played Alder Flycatcher call to Brooke to show her the difference. Bird was originally found by Terry Davis, so I didnt bother with a field guide until back to the car. 


a. at time of observation:see above.


b. after observation: see above.


21. This description is written from: _____ notes made during the observation (_____notes attached?);___X__notes made after the observation (date:__Nov 30, 2013___); _____memory.

22. Are you positive of your identification if not, explain:  Yes.  Call/recordings definitive.


23. Date:___Nov 30, 2013_____Time:___1:00pm____


24. May the LBRC have permission to display this report or
portions of this report on its website? _________sure._______________

If yes, may we include your name with the report? ________sure.  __________



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