English and Scientific names:

Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana)

Number of individuals: 

1 basic plumage

Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

3.7 mi. N St. Gabriel, 545 Pecan Dr.

Date(s) when observed:

27 December 2008

Time(s) of day when observed:  


Reporting observer and address:

Van Remsen,

St. Gabriel

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):


Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):


Optical equipment: 

naked eye plus 10X Zeiss

Distance to bird(s): 

12-15 feet

Duration of observation:

1 minute


next to bird feeder in garden in bottomland hardwood forest

Behavior of bird: 

Perched next to bird feeder clearly studying the situation (cardinals, House Finches feeding on sunflower seed).  Bird seemed tempted to land on feeder but did not. When the bird flew up into the trees, I dashed outside but could not refind the bird


Naked eye impression was vaguely like a giant goldfinch -- an overall greenish yellow bird with two conspicuous wingbars.  An obvious Piranga in terms of overall size, shape, bill shape (thick but not grosbeak-thick), and gestalt.  Greenish above, evenly yellowish green below; no conspicuous head markings but the chin and base of lower mandible were a faint, smudgy, orangish-yellow.  Wings were a dark greenish olive with two narrow but conspicuous whitish wingbars.



Similar species:

vs. Summer:  besides wingbars, overall shape and bill size more delicate; overall plumage too greenish.

vs. Scarlet: very similar in shape and general color to this species, but wingbars conspicuous.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?


Previous experience with this species: 

Little experience in last 30 years, but this was a species I "grew up" with.

Identification aids:


This description is written from: 

field notes taken soon after observation (used to write this report)

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 




Van Remsen

Date and time: 
