Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus)

Number of accepted Slaty-backed Gull records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2023)

Accepted Records

One adult in winter plumage (2022-051) on 21-22 December 2022, Acadia: Crowley area; Paul E. Conover (ph) and Robert C. Dobbs (ph). This represents the first record for Louisiana.
Photo by Robert C. Dobbs

Unaccepted Records

One third year (2009-46) on 2 May 2009, Cameron: Holly Beach. This record involves a beautifully photographed individual that could not be resolved through three circulations and went to the Discussion Round. Expert opinions were solicited during the course of its review and those opinions generally supported (moderately to enthusiastically) identification as a Slaty-backed Gull. However, four members believed that identification of this sub-adult individual as a Slaty-backed was not clear-cut. There was further concern that a hybrid could resemble this species. and, for those reasons they believed a photo-documented first state record should minimally require a definitive plumaged individual or one in a “classic” plumage, and not a “messy beast” as this gull was described by one of the outside expert reviewers.