Red Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
Number of accepted Red Crossbill records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One female (2012-018) on 10-13 January 2012, West
Feliciana: St. Francisville, 12200 Star Hill Trace;
Karen Fay (ph),
Mary Mehaffey
Dave Patton
B. Mac Myers III,
[and Jay Huner].

Photo by B. Mac Myers III
Unaccepted Records
"Five (actual number anywhere from 3 to 12)� (1988-04; formerly 89-2) on 26 May 1988, Grant: 8 mi. SSW Howcutt. The
identification was based solely on vocalizations heard for 5-7 seconds of a flock passing overhead; the
birds were never observed. The 'kip-kip-kip-kip" call reported by the observer may have pertained to this
species, but the observer did not discuss or eliminate the very similar sounding White-winged Crossbill, a
long-shot possibility. One Member argued that, for a species this rare, identification should not be based
on vocalization alone (in the absence of tape documentation).
Two or three (1997-11) on 7 January 1997, Vernon: 2 mi. S of Caverns. The observer only saw birds in silhouette and
reported �typical flight call.� And, although the observer is probably experienced with members of this complex, without going into greater detail about the actual calls, or seeing the birds, all Members believed the report was not sufficient for acceptance.
One (2007-009) on 6 February 2007, Lafayette: 2 mi. N Carencro, 1 mi. W Hwy. 182. The very rudimentary description
was a sticking point for most Members, and some Members also believed that the description could pertain to a male House
Finch with a deformed bill. The report was ultimately found unacceptable.