Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus)
Number of accepted Prairie Falcon records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One (2011-045) on 28 December 2011,
Vermilion: east side White Lake Wetland Conservation Area, near west end of
Pine Island Road; Donna L. Dittmann (ph) and
Steven W. Cardiff. This is the first accepted Louisiana record.

Photo by Donna L. Dittmann
Unaccepted Records
One (1995-78) on 28 Sep 1995, Orleans: New Orleans, One Shell Square Building. The bird
was observed without the aid of binoculars through a window from the 49th floor of a high rise
building in downtown. Although this species is fairly distinctive, the observation was relatively
brief as the bird flew past the observer. Because falcons, including Old World species and
hybrids, are kept in captivity, most members (including the reporter) agreed that the
circumstances and brevity of the observation and lack of photographic documentation precluded
adding this species to the State List.
One adult (2013-098) on 31 December 2013, Natchitoches: Powhatan area (locality missing from long form). The
combination of the relatively long distance, relatively brief views, lack of photos, and only one of the two observers submitting a report compelled a majority of Members to not accept this potential second state occurrence.