Painted Redstart, Myioborus pictus
Number of accepted Painted Redstart records for Louisiana = 2 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One male (1994-55) from 17 Dec. 1994-5 Mar. 1995, Cameron: Hackberry, at end of Hwy. 385; Richard
S. Bello, Phillip A. Wallace (ph), Joseph P. Kleiman, Mark Swan (tape), Rosemary Seidler (ph), and
Steven W. Cardiff (ph) (FN 49(2):159; FN49 (3):263; LOS 164; LOS 165). This represents the second
state record and the first with photographic documentation.
One (2001-9) on 16-18 Apr 2001, Cameron: [Johnsons Bayou], Holleyman Sanctuary,
Roger J. Breedlove, Joseph P. Kleiman (ph taken 18 Apr), Daniel F. Lane (ph taken 18
Apr), Jason Weckstein (ph taken 18 Apr), and M. Mark Swan (ph taken 17 Apr); NAB
55(3): 310, LOS News 198: 13. This is the second accepted record.

Video still by Mark Swan
Unaccepted Records
One (1996-44) on 24 Mar 1996, Jefferson: Grand Isle; NASFN50:3:293. The observation was
reported as 1-2 seconds in duration. The experienced observer reported a �thin-(insectivorous)
bill; black head, throat, and upper breast, red underparts, and white in wings.� The bird could not
be relocated despite extensive searching. Although the description is certainly suggestive of this
distinctive species, the observation duration was at best a glimpse and, mainly for that reason,
five of the seven members were not in favor of accepting this potential fourth state record.