Mountain Plover, Charadrius montanus
Number of accepted Mountain Plover records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One (2012-038) on 14 December 2012, Jefferson Davis: initially at corner of Hwy. 380 X Lyons Rd. and then later relocated S of there near Lyons Rd. X Hwy. 14 (W of Lake Arthur); Michael A. Seymour
(ph, cover, p.2)), Donna L. Dittmann (ph, p. 2)
and Steven W. Cardiff, Paul E. Conover (ph), Phillip A. Wallace (ph),
Jay Huner. This represents the first state record.

Photo by Michael Seymour
Unaccepted Records
"Hundreds" (86-61) on 25 Mar. 1986, Cameron: Gum Cove Road. The record included one color
photograph, which, under close examination, revealed that these birds were basic plumaged Lesser
Golden Plovers.
Twenty-six and 17 (1989-169) on 23 & 24 Mar 1989, respectively, Franklin: between Gilbert
and Jigger. The Committee agreed that the details were too vague for acceptance to the State List
and probably more likely involved basic-plumaged early spring migrant American Golden-
One (98-58) on 11 Oct 1998, Terrebonne: Cocodrie, LUMCON station. This would have
represented a first state record. The observer provided a very good description and a careful
analysis. Unfortunately, photographs were not obtained to support the record and the observer
was not experienced with this species or Lesser Sand-Plover. Members voting not to accept the
record noted that juvenile Lesser Sand-Plover was not eliminated by the description.