Thick-billed Longspur (Rhynchophanes mccownii)
Number of accepted Thick-billed Longspur Longspur records for Louisiana = 2 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
(1979-06; formerly 81-10). Specimen, that of an immature
female in winter (first basic) plumage, collected 1 December 1979 by
Mike Braun; first noted 30 November by Jack Reinoehl.
photo by R. Dan Purrington
Three, one adult male and two females or immatures (1991-01), from 27 Jan-1 Feb 1991,
Jefferson Davis: 1.7 mi. W of Hwy. 99 on Road 5-40, approximately 5 mi. NNW of Welsh;
Donna L. Dittmann, Curtis A. Marantz, Andrew W. Kratter; found by Kenneth V. Rosenberg;
AB45(2):286 reports only “two” present.
This represents the second state record.
Unaccepted Records
One (2017-081) on 28 December 2017, St. Landry: Botany Bay Road at Olivier Farms. Following a second
circulation, a majority of Members believed that the brief views, possible confusion with Chestnut-collared
Longspur, and lack of photographs were not sufficient for acceptance of this potential third state occurrence.