Lesser Sand-Plover (Charadrius mongolus)
formerly known as Mongolian Plover
Number of accepted Lesser Sand-Plover records for Louisiana = 2 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
(1975-02; formerly 81-18). Color photographs taken on 22 April 1975 by
J. Chester Littlefield at Grand Isle are irrefutable and document the first North American record outside Alaska. Mr. Littlefield, David N. and Ellen L. Doubleday were members of a field trip to Grand Isle while attending the National Audubon Society Convention in New Orleans.

Photo by David N. Doubleday
One male in worn juvenal plumage molting to basic plumage (1986-14; formerly 87-14) on 18 Oct, 1986, Cameron: 7 mi. W OMMR; Donna L. Dittmann and Steven W. Cardiff (LSUMZ #131036), Gary H. Rosenberg (Purrington 1987, p.100). This is the second record for Louisiana.