Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Myiarchus tuberculifer
Number of accepted Dusky-capped Flycatcher records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)
Accepted Records
One (2012-045) from 21 November-24 December 2012, Caddo: Shreveport, private property edging Cross Lake just S of the
W/S dead end of Lakewood Dr.;
Terry Davis
(ph), Charles Lyon
(ph only), Ronnie Maum
(ph only), and
Jonathan Carpenter
(ph only). This represents the first state record.

Photos by Charles Lyon(1,2), Ronnie Maum(3),Jonathan Carpenter(4)
Also see the Newsletter of the LBRC Annual Meeting Report 2013, pages 1 and 11.
Jay Huner