Cordilleran Flycatcher (Empidonax occidentalis)
Number of accepted Cordilleran Flycatcher records for Louisiana = 3 as of 25th Report of the LBRC

Accepted Records
One adult male (94-63) on 26 Jan. 1994, Plaquemines: 1/4 mi. SE of Fort Jackson; Steven W. Cardiff
(LSUMZ 159810) and Donna L. Dittmann (FN 48(2):217).
One immature male (95-79) from 28-29 Oct. 1995, Cameron: Garner Ridge, 3 mi. W of Johnsons Bayou
School; Peter H. Yaukey, Phillip A. Wallace (ph), and Steven W. Cardiff (LSUMZ 162199) (FN
50(1):68; LOS 169).
One (2010-098) on 28 December 2010, Jefferson: Grand Isle, TNC Landry-LeBlanc Tract;
Robert C. Dobbs
(ph, audio; photo and sonogram). This is the third accepted record.

Photo by Robert C. Dobbs
Unaccepted Records
One (2013-079) on 17 October 2013, Cameron: Johnsons Bayou, Peveto Woods Sanctuary (ph). Following
initial circulations, this record went to Discussion Round as a �Western Flycatcher� because several Members were
willing to accept to �complex.� However, after comparison of the three photos with specimens, the Committee was
evenly split. Members voting not to accept were not convinced that Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was adequately
eliminated from consideration by the photos, description, or described calls.