Baikal Teal, Sibirionetta formosa
Number of accepted Baikal Teal records for Louisiana = 1 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One immature male (1974-01) on 7 November 1974, St. Tammany: 1 mi. W English Lookout near mouth of
Pearl River; James E. Lee (LSUMZ 80123). This record was reviewed in 1981. All
but one Member voted not to accept based on questionable origin and two Members suggested the species should be
added to a hypothetical list, of which one did not exist at the time. The outcome was published in the 10th Report of the
LBRC. Due to a combination of changing attitudes regarding origin, the LBRC's subsequent addition of the option to
“accept, origin hypothetical,” as well as some additional information about patterns of vagrancy, the record was
added to the first circulation record review during the 2008 Annual Meeting. As per LBRC policy, because the record
did not receive an unanimous vote (11th Report of the LBRC) at the 2008 Meeting, the record was shelved pending a new
full circulation. Recirculation eventually occurred during early 2020 and the record was ultimately accepted on the
second circulation by an 8-1 vote, with five of eight accepting Members designating it as "origin hypothetical." This
represents the first and only record of this species for Louisiana.

Photo by Donna L. Dittmann
Unaccepted Records
Baikal Teal (Anas formosa) (81-1). One adult male taken in season on
7 November 1974 by hunter James Lee and prepared by GHL (LSUMZ 80123). It
is uncertain whether or not this was a wild bird. Further information,
however, may bring about recirculation of this record.