Flammulated Owl, Otus flammeolus
Number of accepted Flammulated Owl records for Louisiana = 4 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One male (1949-01) on 2 January 1949, West Baton
Rouge: 8 mi. S Baton Rouge on Sardine Point; L. L. Glasgow, S.
Hall, and H. Greshan (LSUMZ 13221, photo on p. 12). This is the first record for Louisiana (Lowery 1974; Glasgow et al.

Photos by Van Remsen
One (99-97) on 11 Oct 1999, Gulf of Mexico: Green Canyon 18A oil platform, 110
mi. S of Morgan City, 27o 51� 37� N, 91 o 01� 45� W; Marshall J. Iliff (ph); NAB 54(1): 63,
ph in NAB 54(1): 115. This represents the second accepted state record.

Photo by Marshall Iliff
One (2007-38) on 19 October 2007, Cameron:
Rutherford Beach,
Robb C. Dobbs
(ph) .
Photo by Rob Dobbs
One (2007-87) on 4 November 2007, Gulf of
Mexico: oil platform 78 mi. SE mouth of South Pass of the
Mississippi River; Buddy Horton (ph only) and
original email notification from Ned Brinkley.
Photo by Buddy Horton
Unaccepted Records
One (2000-083) on 17 December 2000, Cameron: Willow Island, 7 mi. E of Cameron This record received a majority non
accept vote on the Second Circulation. The observer had no experience with the species � but clearly described an encounter with a small owl with dark eyes and lacking ear tufts. Unfortunately, photos could not be obtained. The description sounded somewhat convincing, but not much descriptive detail about size, proportions, or plumage could be accumulated during the relatively brief observation. Another potentially supporting character noted was a row of buff spots in the scapulars. However, brown morph Eastern Screech-Owls can also show a row of buff or rusty scapular spots, and they can also show other rusty patches in the neck/shoulder area. So, presence of that field mark did not decisively eliminate Eastern Screech-Owl over Flammulated Owl.