1. English and Scientific names: Connecticut Warbler

2. Number of individuals, sexes, ages, general plumage (e.g., 2 in alternate plumage):  1 ad

3. Locality: Parish:   ____Jefferson________________________________________

   Specific Locality: _____Grand Isle  __________________________________________

4. Date(s) when observed: May 4, 2013

5. Time(s) of day when observed: about 11 a.m.

6. Reporting observer and address: R.D. Purrington

7. Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s): none

8. Other observers who independently identified the bird(s): see Muth and Wallace

9. Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light): in fairly deep shade

10. Optical equipment (type, power, condition): 10x42 Eagle binoculars

11. Distance to bird(s): 8-10 m

12. Duration of observation:  45   seconds

13. Habitat:  brushy understory

14. Behavior of bird / circumstances of observation (flying, feeding, resting; include and stress habits used in identification; relate events surrounding observation):  the bird sat one a single twig, a foot off the ground, during the observation

15. Description (include only what was actually seen, not what "should" have been seen; include if possible: total length/relative size compared to other familiar species, body bulk, shape, proportions, bill, eye, leg, and plumage characteristics. Stress features that separate it from similar species):  passerine with brownish back and wings, no rump markings, underparts very pale yellow (difficult to ascertain in the light conditions), gray hood which reached down to upper breast, fairly heavy light-colored bill, and prominent complete eyering.

16. Voice: did not vocalize

17. Similar species (include how they were eliminated by your observation):  other “oporornis” species (Mourning, MacGillivray’s)  have no eye-ring or broken eye-ring, and in the  case of MacGillivray’s,  bold eye-crescents.

18. Photographs or tape recordings obtained? (by whom? attached?):  photographs, by RDP

19. Previous experience with this species: none

20. Identification aids: (list books, illustrations, other birders, etc. used in identification):


a. at time of observation: Sibley app

b. after observation: consultation with Muth, Yaukey, Norman

21. This description is written from: _____ notes made during the observation (_____notes attached?);___x__notes made after the observation (date:_____); _____memory.

22. Are you positive of your identification if not, explain: yes

23. Date:__5/13/2013________Time:_______