English and Scientific names:

Couch's Kingbird  (Tyrannus couchii)


Number of individuals: 






Specific Locality:

Rutherford Woods


Date(s) when observed:



Time(s) of day when observed:  

2 PM


Reporting observer and address:

Melvin Weber 

Reserve La. 70084 


Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Robbie Bacon


Other observers who independently identified the bird(s)


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):


Several views from various angles.


Optical equipment: 

8X40 Binoculars.


Distance to bird(s): 

Mostly 75 to 150 feet.


Duration of observation:

Saw bird several times during 30 minute stay.



Tall Oak and hackberry woods with some Pecan and other mixed trees.


Behavior of bird: 

Bird stayed at the top of the dried or cleared branches of several trees.  It moved a lot from tree to tree with a flycatcher type flight in between.  It started alongside an Olive Sided but moved up to 200 feet away during our stay.  I came closer during the attempt at squeaking and pishing and owl call.  On playing the songs of the Tropical Kingbird it showed no interest but on the call of the Couch's it jerked its head side to side but never came closer.



A yellow bellied kingbird with a typical black bill (not heavy or noticeably long). Very bright yellow underparts up to a white with some gray throat. 



Good dark ear patch contrasting with head color of gray and white throat.  Back very olive greenish going into dark brownish tail.  The tail had a small but noticeable notch when first viewed.


Similar species:

No call or song.

Tropical would have a darker tail and a larger bill.


Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

The photos I have are being sent. 


Previous experience with this species: 

Melvin -- this bird seen a couple of times.

Robbie--extensive experience with this and Tropical Kingbird.

Identification aids:



This description is written from: 

Memory written the morning after observation.


Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 


Not  positive but feel pretty good about this call.

Date and time: 

9-28-10  5:30 am