Chihuahuan Raven, Corvus cryptoleucus
Number of accepted Chihuahuan Raven records for Louisiana = 2 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One (2008-12) on 12 April 2008, Cameron: Holly
Beach; Daniel F. Lane (ph). This represents the first
hard evidence record for the state; a sight record previously
submitted from Spring 2003 has not yet been reviewed.
Photo by Dan Lane
One (2019-032) on 12 May 2019, Cameron: Rutherford Beach; Paul E. Conover (ph) and Dave Patton
(ph). This represents the second accepted Louisiana occurrence.
Photo by Dave Patton
Unaccepted Records
One (2019-036) on 21 September 2019, Cameron: Johnsons Bayou, Peveto Woods Sanctuary.
All Members were hesitant to accept this potential third state record based on a sight record by a lone observer.