Blue-throated Mountain-gem (formerly Blue-throated Hummingbird), Lampornis clemenciae
Number of accepted Blue-throated Hummingbird records for Louisiana = 3 as of 25th Report of the LBRC (2022)

Accepted Records
One female (1992-64) from 23-24 Nov. 1992, East Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge, 2832 Zeeland Ave.; Mark
Swan (found by), Donna L. Dittmann, Gwen B. and Alfred E. Smalley, Andrew W. Kratter (ph), John P. Sevenair,
and Miriam Davey (AB 47(1):106; LOS 151). This represents the first record for Louisiana.

Video still and video by Paul Conover
One female (1995-72) from 7 Mar.-25 Apr. 1995, St. Tammany: Slidell, corner of 10th and Teddy streets
(residence of and found by Peggy Siegert); Nancy L. Newfield (banded 11 Mar:-#T79992), John P.
Sevenair, Phillip A. Wallace (ph), Steven W. Cardiff (ph only), Margie Griffith (ph only), and Joseph P.
Kleiman (LOS 165). Although reported in FN 49(3):263 as the "3rd record" for Louisiana, it is the
second accepted record for the state.
One immature female (2021-083) on 19 December 2021-31 March 2022, East Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge, 7113 Joliet
Avenue; Gary Byerly (ph), John Dillon (ph), and Daniel F. Lane (ph), Received post review: Tom Trenchard, Robert C. Dobbs. This represents the third state occurrence.

Photo by Gary Byerly (15 March 2022)
Unaccepted Records
One (1993-11) on 21 Jun 1993, East Baton Rouge: Baton Rouge. The observation involved a
ten second view as the bird visited at a feeder. The description and the circumstances of the
observation were considered inadequate to identify this species to the exclusion of others.