English and Scientific names:

Bell's Vireo Vireo bellii

Number of individuals: 

1 age and sex unkown

Locality: LOUISIANA: 


Specific Locality:

Peveto Woods sanctuary, west of Holly Beach; just north of the portable toilet and parking area near slab of former building

Date(s) when observed:

13 october 2007

Time(s) of day when observed:  

around 2:30 pm?

Reporting observer and address:

B. Mac. Myers III

Eunice, LA 70535

Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified the bird(s):

Paul Conover found the bird

Other observers accompanying reporter who independently identified the bird(s):


Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade and to direction and amount of light):

variable but generally pretty good to very good

Optical equipment: 

10x42 Eagle optics in very good condition

Distance to bird(s): 

less than 50 ft., perhaps as close as 25 feet at times?

Duration of observation:

off and on for a couple of minutes; lost and then relocated


shrubby area with small trees, forbs, etc. For awhile it was in tangle of grape vine

Behavior of bird: 

Nothing remarkable, farily active. I did not see it flip its tail around the way they sometimes do.


A vireo, generally greenish above, but contasting with paler gray head. One noticeable white wingbar, with a fainter one above it, Faint line (dark gray?) from eye to bill. Above that pale gray-whitish line from bill to eye and more or less encircling it--sort of weakly spectacled, not boldly as with solitary types. Below fairly yellow, especially flanks and belly--evidently an eastern bird.


not heard

Similar species:

in its own hard-to-define way a distinctive bird. The facial pattern, wingbar pattern, and general coloration all fit.

Photographs or tape recordings obtained?

yes, several by conover. Also, I will email three as attachments to email. Note the date stamp of my camera is apparently in error by 1 day

Previous experience with this species: 

several in LA. Many in the western U.S.

Identification aids:

after observation: don't remember, probably Sibley, Geo Complete, maybe Pyle

This description is written from: 

memory. At the time I had forgotten that BEVI was review list

Are you positive of your identification? If not, explain: 




B. Mac. Myers III

Date and time: 

13 Nov. 2007 3:10 pm