This form is intended as a
convenience in reporting observations of species on the Louisiana Bird Records
Committee (LBRC) Review List. The LBRC recommends the use of this form or a
similar format when submitting records for review (to assure that all pertinent
information is accounted for). Attach additional pages as necessary. Please
print or type. Attach xerox of field notes, drawings,
photographs, or tape recordings, if available. Include all photos for more
obscurely marked species. When completed, mail to Secretary, Louisiana Bird
Records Committee, c/o Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana
State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3216.
1. English and Scientific names: Bell's Vireo - Vireo Bellii
2. Number of individuals, sexes, ages, general plumage
(e.g., 2 in alternate plumage): 1-3 individuals on different dates,
representing at least three individuals- possibly up to 5. The dates, numbers ob birds found and area are included within 13 separate
listings in the behavior section below.
3. Locality: LOUISIANA: (parish) Red
Specific Locality: __Red River National Wildlife Refuge,
Bayou Pierre Unit, Yates
4. Date(s) when observed: Many- with first observation on
05/04/2013, then also on 05/11, 05/18, 06/01, 07/27, 08/03, 08/10, 08/24,
(09/07/13 Ronnie Maum- including photo taken at 0843
A.M.) 09/14/13.
5. Time(s) of day when observed: Varied- From approx 0730 to 1-2p.m on separate dates. The cemetery area
birds, most frequently observed, were often seen around 8 a.m. or shortly
6. Reporting observer and address: Terry Davis, 2327 Walnut st, apt C, Bossier City, La 71112
7. Other observers accompanying reporter who also identified
the bird(s): Jeff Trahan, Larry Raymond, Hubert Hervey, Charlie Lyon, Rosemary,
Sarah Haggerty (San Diego Ca.)
8. Other observers who independently identified the bird(s):
John Dillon, Rosemary Seidler, Ronnie Maum
9. Light conditions (position of bird in relation to shade
and to direction and amount of light): Variable, sunny to cloudy on different
10. Optical equipment (type, power, condition): Brunton Eterna 11x45 binoculars
in worn aesthetic but good optical condition
11. Distance to bird(s): Varied from as close as 15' w/
bird(s) in sight at close range to birds distantly calling at ~75 yards.
12. Duration of observation: Varied- From brief sightings to
30 min+- with bird(s)in sight off and on for several+
minutes during some of the longer observations. Heard for
much longer periods than actually seen, as is typical with this skulking sp.
13. Habitat: Descriptions below of five separate areas where
birds were found.
1. cemetery area- Area previously
planted some years ago. The choice of this spp in
using small oaks was interesting as well. Low, sem-moist
area (adjacent to larger dense Baccharis/grass asociation, then moist soil impoundments to E, open mowed
levee to W) with scattered smaller ~10-15' oaks and a few green ash. Much
scattered openings between single and clumps of trees. The understory was
comprised of tall grass and weeds, much goldenrod, Brazilian vervain, etc. but few vines except more prostrate spp such as Rubus, which were
abundant there.
2. Old landing strip- Almost identical but less weedy/more grassy than cemetery area. This area
approximately .5 to .75 N/N-w of cemetery. Open, fairly large
short-grass strip bordered by taller grass and weeds, then scattered clumps of
small oaks and green ash interspersed with variable large to small openings of
tall grass and weeds.
3. Just N-w of farm house pole shed near first entrance to
refuge. Area bordering levee- Less scattered small trees (green ash, oaks) but
understory notably thicker with taller Baccharis,
weeds and grass- adjacent open mowed levee area
4. By Ronnie Maum- Approx 50 yards E N-e of levee on opposite side of levee
from cemetery area- habitat almost identical to cemetery but more vines covering
more widely scattered tree clumps and dense undergrowth, more weeds/ less
grass. Also slightly lower/more moist
5. Area adjacent and between moist soil units and cemetery
area- also adjacent oxbow on East side of levee. Area quite
low and wet with dense Baccharis, Rubus
grass and other tall weeds.
14. Behavior of bird / circumstances of observation (flying,
feeding, resting; include and stress habits used in
identification; relate events surrounding observation):
1. 05/04/13= 1 indiv.(suspect 2) With Jeff Trahan. Clear/sunny.
Approx between 1-2 p.m. Male heard singing from top
of levee then discovered at cemetery area.
2. 05/11/13= 1 indiv, male heard
(suspect 2) With Jeff Trahan. ~40% clouds. Approx
between 1-2 p.m. Cemetery area. Charlie Lyon birded
separately, also viewed and heard.
3. 05/18/13= 2 indivs (confirmed).
With Jeff Trahan, Charlie Lyon. Male and female at
same cemetery loc. Old nest found, well-concealed at 3' in an extremely bushy
15' water oak surrounded by tall grass, dewberry, various weedy/ herbaceous
plants and other small scattered oaks-
bordered on N side by Baccharis. The nest appeared to
be on the S-w side of the tree.
4. 05/25/13= 3 indivs. With Larry
Raymond.~80% high, thin clouds. Found as 2,1 with pr at cemetery first, made
interesting recording there of BEVI and WIFL singing simultaneously, then
observed close interaction/ courtship between male
and female BEVI
resulting in male giving less audible very high, thin continuous song, which
ended in very YTVI/ BHVI-like chatter and low, thin, almost Song Sparrow-like
"zim" calls- the latter possibly given by
female- these also in recording. This was first day of finding separate male
along landing strip on way out.
5. 06/01/13= 2 birds (separate, widely spaced territorial
males). With Jay Huner at approx 8
a.m. ~80% clouds. First bird heard at Cemetery area, then separate male
singing on territory at levee strip/edge far to N-w around 11:30 a.m.
6. 06/ /12= 2 birds. Jeff Trahan, Rosemary
Seidler. Found males at both cemetery and airstrip areas.
7. 07/13/13= 2 birds. With Hubert. Clear, calm. Approx 0730. Pr at cemetery area. Made recording.
8. 07/27/13= 1 bird. With Hubert HerveY, Larry Raymond and Sarah Haggerty of San Diego
California. Cloudy. Approx
0730 a.m. Brief sighting and calls by male near cemetery.
9. 08/03/13= 1 bird. With Larry Raymond-photos, Hubert
Hervey, Sarah Haggerty. Clear. Approx 0800 or slightly after. Cemetery. Obtained some fairly close scold recordings. Larry photo'd
the bird. Typically thinner scold but I still have heard WEVI that closely
match by ear
10. 08/10/13= 1 bird. With Hubert Hervey,
Larry Raymond, Sarah Haggerty and Julie Haggerty. Clear. Approx 0715-0730. Incessant singer in area where previously
not found just N-w of pole shed/farm house along levee- recording made.
11. 08/24/13= 1 bird. With Jeff Trahan.
Clear. Just N-w of pole shed/ farm house. Approx
12. 09/07/13= 1 bird. Ronnie Maum, only. Photo taken at 0843
13. 09/14/13= 2 birds. Birded solo.
Approx 0830-0900. Single singer on
E side of levee from cemetery in Baccharis. Another singer adjacent unit 7, also in Baccharis.
Other possible dispersals but still notably close to cemetery area where nest
and very first birds found.
15. Description (include only what was actually seen, not
what "should" have been seen; include if possible: total
length/relative size compared to other familiar species, body bulk, shape,
proportions, bill, eye, leg, and plumage
characteristics. Stress features that separate it from similar species): All
birds that we observed appeared to be adults and somewhat on the drab end
regarding plumage- at least in comparison to some other area birds that I've
viewed. Small vireos, notably proportionately less stocky than White-eyed, with
proportionately longer, thinner tails that are frquently
palish olive/green-gray above in back and crown, with
slightly darker grayish wings with thin, diffuse whitish wingbars and faint
tertial edging. Whitish below diffuse into yellow sides of breast and
lower belly. Facial features rather drab with small/thin, pale bill, dusky
lores and short, diffuse dark post-ocular stripe, thin, diffuse whitish
supraloral and short supercilium continuing only slightly above and behind eye
and thin, diffuse whitish crescent below eye. Gray itruding in at sides of neck also much more diffuse than
16. Voice: Song heard (recorded various occasions here),
repeated in fairly close series, then variable pauses- sometimes incessantly
for several minutes as "chiddle-chiddle-chee..chiddle cheedle
chew.....", etc. Mostly heard during later surveys, the often incessantly
given "hinn hyinn hyin...." scold-type call sounds typically higher,
thinner than BEVI but not entirely separable from some indiv
BEVI heard over the years- still fairly distinct.
17. Similar species (include how they were eliminated by
your observation): White-eyed by song, overall size- less chunky/ notably
thinner. Smaller/thinner, paler bill. Notably
indistinct facial pattern, paler wing panels and less distinct wingbars-
appears to have proportionately longer, thinner tail that is pumped frequently.
18. Photographs or tape recordings obtained? (by whom? attached?):
19. Previous experience with this species: Considerable but
spotty over quite a few years in N-w La
20. Identification aids: (list books, illustrations, other
birders, etc. used in identification):
a. at time of observation:
b. after observation:
21. This description is written from: _____ notes made
during the observation= Field notes. (_____notes attached?);__yes.
E-bird notes transcribed from field sheet.___notes
made after the observation (date:_____); _____memory.
22. Are you positive of your identification if not, explain:
23. Signature of reporter: ___Terry
Davis___________________________Date:12/05/2013__________Time:3:30 p.m._______
24. May the LBRC have permission to display this report or
portions of this report on its webite?
If yes, may we include your name with the report? Yes.