Myiarchus Flycatchers
Identifying sulids
A B C's of jaeger ID
Storm-Petrels -- sea birds of summer
Calidris Sandpipers
Sterna Terns
Carpodacus Finches
Ruby-throated Hummingbird & its "lookalikes"
Selasphorus Hummer ID Article
Kelp Gull and Herring X Kelp Gull hybrids: a new saga in gull ID problems
Vireos Part I - "large, eye-lined" species
Keeping Track of Winter Hummers
Let's Take a Closer Look - Godwits (in July 2002 newsletter)
Let's Take a Closer Look - Louisiana Swallows, Part 1 (in December 2002 newsletter)
The Alternate Plumage of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird (From ABA Birding)
Sparrow Identification Made... Easy?
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